Tweet If you need medical help, please use the 111 online coronavirus service. Coronavirus - click here for what you need to do from GOV.UK The very latest news on coronavirus will appear here:
Surge testing to be deployed in Leeds NHS Test and Trace – in partnership with the local authority – is deploying additional testing and genomic sequencing in targeted areas in L
Prime Minister kicks off major new science initiative at visit of MHRA’s National Institute for Biological Standards and Control The Prime Minister was able to see first-hand the pivotal role NIBSC has played in getting safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines to the UK pu
Leading social media platforms unite to support COVID-19 vaccine drive Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok and YouTube have partnered with the government to encourage users to get the vaccine.
Deliveroo to boost government efforts to tackle variants of concern Takeaway service will notify customers if surge testing is happening in their area.
Surge testing to be deployed in Lambeth and Cumbria NHS Test and Trace is deploying additional testing and genomic sequencing in targeted areas in partnership with local authorities
NHS App reaches over 6 million users Over 6 million NHS patients can now benefit from easy access to personalised medical services, as well as access to COVID-19 vaccination sta
Boxing stars champion COVID-19 vaccine as the 'best jab' of 2021 Boxing legends star in a short film to encourage people to get COVID-19 vaccines.
Surge testing to be deployed in Reigate and Banstead NHS Test and Trace – in partnership with the local authority – is deploying additional testing and genomic sequencing in Reigate and Banstea
Foreign Secretary's call with Sergei Lavrov, 17 June 2021 The Foreign Secretary spoke to Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.
New national surveillance of possible COVID-19 reinfection, published by PHE New data suggests a low risk of COVID-19 reinfection in the population.