Tweet If you need medical help, please use the 111 online coronavirus service. Coronavirus - click here for what you need to do from GOV.UK The very latest news on coronavirus will appear here:
Surge testing to be deployed in targeted areas in Bolton We are taking swift and decisive action by making extra testing available to control and suppress the coronavirus (COVID-19) variant first i
WHO-convened COVID-19 origins study: joint statement Statement on the origins of coronavirus from the governments of Australia, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuan
Bespoke testing regime unveiled for exempt international arrivals The UK government has today (Sunday 28 March) set out new details of a bespoke testing regime for international arrivals who will be exempt
Disability charities benefit from £2.4 million fund The money will fund services to provide practical support for disabled children, set up and expand helplines, and provide mental health and
Sir Lenny Henry urges Black Britons to take COVID-19 vaccine Sir Lenny Henry has written an open letter to encourage Black Britons to take the COVID-19 vaccine, signed by some of the most high-profile
Government reintroduces confirmatory PCR testing for assisted testing New technology known as 'genotype assay testing’ to support identifying variants of concern.
PM statement at coronavirus press conference: 29 March 2021 Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a statement at the coronavirus press conference.
Seasonal workers to receive free Covid-19 tests on farms Employers of seasonal agricultural workers in the edible horticulture sector urged to register for free workplace testing
Coronavirus: letter to the agricultural sector on workplace testing Letter from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Farming, Fisheries and Food to the agricultural sector in England about free coro
New vaccine advice for adults living with adults who are immunosuppressed JCVI recommends that adults living with adults who are immunosuppressed should be prioritised for the COVID-19 vaccine.